Rush Seating

Rush seating, using natural rush, starts with fresh green / gold / beige colours and over time the colours mellow. Commonly found on dining chairs and carver chairs; rush seating is created from twisted rushes, woven in traditional geometric patterns.

Re-seating with English freshwater rush

Another beautiful material is Cordon (straw wrapped sedge), which has been used on this seat.
I am currently experimenting with the durability of Cordon as fresh rush is often difficult to source (July 2023).

Cordon seat

Cordon seat July 2023

Please send photographs of the chair to be re-rushed (showing top and underside) with measurements of the widest part of the seat, to [email protected] or arrange to show Louise the chair by calling 0792 641 8523.


Re-rushing is priced on the size of the seat in total. Using fresh rush the price is 45p – 50p per square inch, plus materials.

A Traditional Craft

As seen on the BBC TV series ‘The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts‘ this is a traditional, skilled craft. Because of this, it is only being taught and carried out by a few specialist weavers in each region of the UK.